西弗吉尼亚大学心理咨询服务的使命是为心理咨询师提供一个专业和保密的环境, 情感, 在学生追求学术目标和探索个人成长的过程中提供发展支持. 我们的目标是作为教师和工作人员的资源,以协助他们与学生的互动.

The WVWC Counseling Center offers free consultation, 危机的支持, solution-focused single sessions, 并为所有本科生和加拿大28网址提供短期咨询课程,这是加拿大28网址对学生福祉的承诺的一部分.

该中心还与社区护理治疗师合作(这些疗程的费用由学生的保险支付). 虽然这两种治疗方案都位于健康中心大楼,但它们是独立的实体. WVWC咨询中心的大门位于克里斯托弗科学馆的后面.

To set up an initial session at the Counseling Center, email counseling@sh-fyz.com.

To set up an initial session with Community Care, call 304.937.0041.

If you are in crisis after-hours, call Campus Security at 304.473.8001 or 911.



Instagram: @wvwc_counseling

FB: WVWC Counseling Center

  • Meet Your Counselor

    Shauna Jones, MA, MFA, NCC



    肖娜一直在大学里担任顾问和顾问, 公立学校, and institutional education for over twenty-five years. She is a certified Koru 正念 instructor. 她是BIPOC和LGBTQ+的盟友,并努力帮助学生们像走进健康中心一样舒适地走进咨询中心. 她的咨询哲学可以用乔恩·卡巴金(Jon Kabat-Zinn)的一句话来最好地概括:“你无法阻止波涛, but you can learn to surf.”

    和肖娜预约的最好方式是发邮件 counseling@sh-fyz.com.

  • 保密

    Information you share in counseling is confidential. 你的咨询师不能与任何人分享你的信息,除非咨询其他受过教育的咨询师. 你必须签署一份同意书,以便辅导员将你的信息发布给任何其他人, including your parents.


    • A student discloses their life or others’ lives are in danger
    • 学生告知正在发生的儿童或易受伤害的成人虐待
    • A court requests counseling records related to a crime
  • UWILL远距治疗

    WVWC is pleased to announce a partnership with Uwill, the leading student mental health and wellness solution. Uwill offers students an immediate, 安全, 如果有需要,可以方便地接受远程治疗咨询服务.

    To schedule teletherapy:

    注册/登录 选择治疗师根据你的喜好,包括 可用性, issue, gender, language, ethnicity. You can also choose a time that fits your schedule with day, night and weekend availability. 

    Access is quick and easy. You can register and book your first session in just minutes.

    Uwill是 私人. 安全. 保密.

    If you need any assistance, you can refer to the Uwill FAQ, Student User Guide, or reach out directly to Uwill at support@uwill.com.


    UWill Student Video



  • Emergency Resources

    在紧急情况下,当咨询中心关闭,联系校园保安在304.473.8011 for immediate assistance. 保安有能力联系到所有其他值班人员.

    宿舍生活工作人员在每栋楼值班,专业人员24小时待命. 保安或值班人员将根据情况联系911或其他资源.

    对于危机干预,您也可以拨打阿巴拉契亚健康中心的24小时热线304-472-2022或St. Joseph’s Hospital at 304-473-2000.

  • 正念


    正念是“由专注而产生的意识”, 故意, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.(乔恩·卡巴金)正念不仅仅是冥想,尽管冥想是正念的一种形式. Practicing 正念 through breathing exercises, 身体扫描, 其他意识活动可以让我们避免陷入过去或对未来感到极度焦虑. 研究证明,即使每天十分钟的专注力也能帮助减轻压力, 增加睡眠, and increase focus in the classroom, 在球场上, and in relationships.


    Uwill提供教练指导的现场和点播瑜伽活动, 冥想, 正念, and work/life balance.

    Suggested 正念 apps: Calm; Headspace; Moodpath; 3 Good Things

  • 自杀 Prevention


    If you are in a crisis but not actively in danger, 拨打988, the National Crisis and 自杀 Prevention Lifeline.

    如果你承诺保持呼吸,咨询中心将围绕着你提供支持. Most everything is figureoutable as long as you are alive. YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND THIS IS NOT THE END OF YOUR STORY.

    What constitutes a mental health emergency?   

    • 如果您担心您的人身安全或他人的安全.
    • If you are concerned about harming yourself or someone else .
    • If you believe that you are losing touch with reality

    自杀 warning signs for yourself or others:   

    • Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves.
    • 寻找自杀的方法,比如上网搜索或买枪.
    • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
    • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
    • Talking about being a burden to others.
    • Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs.
    • Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly.
    • Sleeping too little or too much.
    • Withdrawing or isolating themselves.
    • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
    • Displaying extreme mood swings

    On-line resources:                   




    自杀 Prevention



  • Counseling Services Hours and Appointments

    Counseling Services is open Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30. Appointments are made by emailing counseling@sh-fyz.com.

    During the initial intake visit, the counselor will: (1) provide information about what to expect from the counseling process; (2) discuss the student’s presenting issues and concerns; (3) develop a plan for treatment including bi-weekly counseling sessions or referral to another provider if it would best meet the student’s needs.

    We support BIPOC and LGBTQ+ students. 我们支持性暴力和家庭暴力、跟踪和骚扰的幸存者.

  • Would I Benefit from Personal Counseling

    如果你不确定你是否会从治疗中受益,这里有一个筛选测验: http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/therapy-quiz

    No screening measure is a substitute for counseling, 然而,它可以帮助你决定是否预约. If you chose to set up a session, email counseling@sh-fyz.com.

  • Common Issues that 学生 May Experience
    • 学术问题
    • 调整
    • 焦虑和压力
    • 殴打或虐待
    • 抑郁症
    • Gender/identity issues
    • Suicidal/homicidal thoughts
    • 个人成长
    • 性取向问题
    • 悲伤和失落
    • 精神上的问题
    • 饮食问题
    • 恐惧症
    • 自残
    • 物质使用
    • Relationship issues
    • 家庭
    • Career/future plans
    • Financial difficulties
    • 孤独
    • 低自尊
    • Sleep changes/disturbances
    • 创伤
    • Strange experiences, voices, or odd thoughts

    免费测验和筛选以及有关各种情况的一般信息: http://psychcentral.com/program/quizzes

    No screening measure is a substitute for counseling, 但它可以帮助你决定是否在我们的咨询中心预约. To make an appointment, email counseling@sh-fyz.com.

    If you would like online, anonymous support, visit http://togetherall.com/en-us/. 它提供支持,由持牌和注册的精神卫生从业人员进行安全监测. They serve a variety of affinity groups.

  • Third-Party Counseling Resources and Helplines

    Community Care of WV: 304.937.0041

    Appalachian Community Health Center: 304.472.2022

    United Summit Center: 304.623.5661 (24/7 Adult Crisis: 1.800.峰会.0)

    National Suicde and Crisis Lifeline: 988 (call, text, chat)


    WV Centers Against Violence: 304.636.8433; 304.473.0070

    WV Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.希望

    Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ support): 866.488.7386

    Trans Lifeline: 877.565.8860

    BIPOC Lifeline: Text STEVE to 741741

  • Counseling Services Policies and Procedures
  • Faculty and Staff Resources

    转介:需要为自己提供心理健康服务建议的教职员工, 家庭, 或朋友可以联系社区的服务提供者中心.

    If you would like online, anonymous support, visit http://togetherall.com/en-us/. 它提供支持,由持牌和注册的精神卫生从业人员进行安全监测. They serve a variety of affinity groups.

    咨询:通常,学生首先向教师或工作人员倾诉. 中心可以为您提供关于如何支持学生的保密咨询, address a non-crisis 情感/psychological concern, or how to make a referral.

    Supportive language when a student confides in you:

    • “I’m sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for sharing. Are you connected with campus resources? If not, lets get you connected with resources that can help.” (You don’t have to be the counselor or investigator)
    • “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m here for you and will help you get connected to resources.”
    • “Thank you for trusting me. I want you to know that I am here to listen and not judge.”
    • “校园内外都有很多人和资源可以帮助你. We’ll figure out the academics later. Right now, let’s get you the help you need.”

    心理教育拓展:如果有一个心理健康的话题,你想在你的课堂上展示给学生, 在你的团队中, in your residence hall, or an organization, 联系肖娜,电话: counseling@sh-fyz.com or jones_s@sh-fyz.com. 她的时间很有限,但她会和你一起安排一些事情.